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2022-09-29 17:53:06 来源:盘龙历史网









中文 《天使与魔鬼》中教皇内侍的精彩演讲 “先生们,我不能再等了,有件事儿我不得不告诉你们。还有那些科学工作者,请听我说。你们赢了这场战争。 历史的车轮已经转了那么久。你们胜了也是在所难免。但这个胜利此刻比以前任何时候都更昭彰。科学成了新的上帝。 医药、电子通讯、太空旅行、遗传操纵……我们如今对孩子们说的都是这些奇蹟。我们把这些奇蹟看作是证明科学能解答我们难题的证据。无沾成胎、火焰中的荆棘和 过红海,这些都是《圣经》里的故事。这些古老的故事已不再有任何意义。上帝已经过时,科学赢得了战争的胜利。我们认输了。 但是,科学的胜利,让我们每个人都付出了代价。那可是惨重的代价!科学与宗教之间的古老战争已经结束。你们赢了。但你们没有给出答案,因而赢得并不公平。现在,每隔几个星期我们就可看到科学上的进步,其发展速度我们无法控制。我们之间的裂痕越来越深,但当宗教被抛至脑后时,人们不知不觉陷入了精神的荒原。我 们迫切需要寻求意义。说真的,我们确实需要。 人 们说科学能拯救我们,依我看是科学毁了我们。自伽利略时代起,教会就试图减缓科学无情的进军,虽然有时采取了错误的方式,但一直都是出于善意。我提醒你 们,看看你们周围的景象吧。科学并未坚守自己的诺言。它所承诺的高效而简单的生活带给我们的只有污染与混乱。我们只是一个遭到破坏而发狂的物种……正走向 一条毁灭之路。 对于科学,我要说出下面的话。教会已经累了,我们一直试图做你们的指路标,现在已筋疲力尽。一直以来,你们都宣称 宗教无知。但究竟是谁更无知?是那个无法定义闪电的人,还是那个不尊敬闪电那令人敬畏的神力的人?你们说,证明上帝的存在给我看看。我要说,你们难道在科 学研究中没看到上帝吗?难道我们已经变得如此空虚,情愿去相信子虚乌有的事情而不愿相信一种比我们强大的力量吗?” 不 管你信不信上帝,你都要相信这样的事实。当我们人类不再相信存在比我们强大的力量时,我们就放弃了自己的责任感。宗教信仰告诫我们有些事物是我们无法理解 的,有些事情是我们要承担责任的……由于有了信仰,我们就会对彼此负责,对自己负责,对一种更高的真理负责。宗教的不完美只是因为人的瑕疵。如果外界的人 能像我这样看待宗教……越过宗教仪式这些高墙……他们就会看到一个现代奇蹟……看到在这个飞速发展而失去控制的世界里,不完美但却率直的灵魂因渴望寻求同 情之声而产生的一种手足之情。 今晚,我们身处险境。黑暗势力依然活跃,并且日趋壮大。这种力量,虽然强大,但并非坚不可摧。善终将取胜。聆听你的心灵,聆听上帝吧,让我们团结一致走出困境。 和我一起祈祷吧。” 英文 “And all the while, you proclaim the church is ignorant. But who is more ignorant? The man who cannot define lightning, or the man who does not respect its awesome power? This church is reaching out to you. Reaching out to everyone. And yet the more we reach, the more you push us away. Show me proof there is a God, you say. I say use your telescopes to look to the heavens, and tell me how there could not be a God!” The camerlegno had tears in his eyes now. “You ask what does God look like. I say, where did that question e from? The answers are one and the same. Do you not see God in your science? How can you miss Him! You proclaim that even the slightest change in the force of gravity or the weight of an atom would have rendered our universe a lifeless mist rather than our magnificent sea of heavenly bodies, and yet you fail to see God’s hand in this? Is it really so much easier to believe that we simply chose the right card from a deck of billions? Have we bee so spiritually bankrupt that we would rather believe in mathematical impossibility than in a power greater than us? “Whether or not you believe in God,” the camerlegno said, his voice deepening with deliberation, “you must believe this. When we as a species abandon our trust in the power greater than us, we abandon our sense of aountability. Faith . . . all faiths . . . are admonitions that there is something we cannot understand, something to which we are aountable . . . With faith we are aountable to each other, to ourselves, and to a higher truth. Religion is flawed, but only because man is flawed. If the outside world could see this church as I do . . . looking beyond the ritual of these walls . . . they would see a modern miracle . . . a brotherhood of imperfect, simple souls wanting only to be a voice of passion in a world spinning out of control.” The camerlegno motioned out over the College of Cardinals, and the BBC camerawoman instinctively followed, panning the crowd. “Are we obsolete?” the camerlegno asked. “Are these men dino-saurs? Am I? Does the world really need a voice for the poor, the weak, the oppressed, the unborn child? Do we really need souls like these who, though imperfect, spend their lives imploring each of us to read the signposts of morality and not lose our way?” Mortati now realized that the camerlegno, whether consciously or not, was making a brilliant move. By showing the cardinals, he was personalizing the church. Vatican City was no longer a building, it was people-people like the camerlegno who had spent their lives in the service of goodness. “Tonight we are perched on a precipice,” the camerlegno said. “None of us can afford to be apathetic. Whether you see this evil as Satan, corruption, or immorality . . . the dark force is alive and growing every day. Do not ignore it.” The camerlegno lowered his voice to a whisper, and the camera moved in. “The force, though mighty, is not invincible. Goodness can prevail. Listen to your hearts. Listen to God. Together we can step back from this abyss.” Now Mortati understood. This was the reason. Conclave had been violated, but this was the only way. It was a dramatic and desperate plea for help. The camerlegno was speaking to both his enemy and his friends now. He was entreating anyone, friend or foe, to see the light and s this madness. Certainly someone listening would realize the insanity of this plot and e forward. The camerlegno knelt at the altar. “Pray with me.” The College of Cardinals dropped to their knees to join him in prayer. Outside in St. Peter’s Square and around the globe . . . a stunned world knelt with them. 5




书里是红衣主教头头 4个被抓的教皇候选人都没救起





天使与魔鬼 最后当上教皇的是谁

书里是红衣主教头头 4个被抓的教皇候选人都没救起



本文标题:《天使与魔鬼》中的教皇内侍为什么最后一把火烧死自己? - 历史解密
